Raipur to Tadoki Train service to start soon

Raipur to Tadoki Train

The railway line going from Durg to Jagdalpur via Dalli-Rajhara and Antagarh has now reached Tadoki, a heavily Naxalite area of ​​Abujhmad. The distance between Raipur to Tadoki via Durg is 201 km by train and the train will start running till May. The special thing is that the train ticket from Raipur to Tadoki will be only Rs 90, while at present the one way bus fare is costing around Rs 400. Not only this, due to its proximity to Rowghat, it will be very easy to reach Iron Ore and Bhilai Steel Plant from there.

Railway has completed the work of laying track from Antagarh to Tadoki. The train will start running by May 2023. For the first time, the train will run from Raipur to Tadoki via Durg-Balod-Dallirajhara-Bhanupratappur. To come from Tadoki to Raipur, people have to spend up to Rs 400 by road. The same fare in the train is likely to be fixed at Rs 90. BSP is going to get another big advantage of this railway line. The distance from Rawghat to Tadoki is only about 17 km. Now Iron Road from Rawghat Mines will come to Tadoki by road, then Durg will be brought to BSP by train.

Railway officials told that preparations have been made to run the train from May. Railway officials told that first the goods train will be run on the new track. Passenger trains will start operating a few days after that. The distance from Raipur Railway Station to Tadoki is approximately 201 km. At present, the people around Tadoki have to catch a train after reaching Antagarh to reach Raipur or Durg.

In case of non-availability of a train, they have to catch a bus. Coming from Tadoki to Raipur via bus costs more. Buses also take more time. With the commencement of the train from Tadoki railway station, the people of remote Vananchal like Antagarh Kanker Narayanpur district will be able to get the facility of the train. Passengers will reach Raipur in just five hours by train for 90 rupees.

Under the Dallirajhara-Rawghat-Jagdalpur project, there is a project to lay a rail line for a total length of 235 km. In the first phase, Raipur Railway Division has set a target of constructing a 95 km new rail line from Dallirajhara to Rawghat. In this, a 78 km rail line has been laid from Rajhara to Tadoki. After the laying of a 17 km line, Raoghat will also become a station. The CRS team will come soon from Kolkata to check the safety of the tracks laid now. The train will start running as soon as the green signal is received from there. Then the work of laying tracks will start from Tadoki to Raoghat station.